Premiering new works has been a core component of Manhattan Theatre Club’s mission since its founding. Our Artistic Development staff oversees the development of new works for the stage, nurturing plays that later go on to production at MTC and around the country through a robust array of commissioning programs, developmental workshops, artistic initiatives, and more. Dedicated to fostering ongoing, supportive, and meaningful relationships with playwrights and other artists throughout their careers, these initiatives offer theatermakers the time, space, and resources they need to create thrilling new works for the stage. Read more about our initiatives to support these artists and their work below.

The Sloan Initiative

Since 2000, Manhattan Theatre Club has partnered with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to commission, develop, and produce new plays that engage with themes of math, science, and technology. Click here to learn more about this program and how to apply.

Commissions and Fellowships

We are thrilled to support playwrights and other artists through a robust array of commissions and fellowship programs. Read on to learn more about these initiatives and the formidable artists they support.

The Ted Snowdon Reading Series

Free and open to the public, the Ted Snowdon Reading Series presents four or five new plays at New York’s City Center each spring. Learn more and RSVP here!

Groundworks Lab

The Groundworks Lab offers theatermakers time, space, and resources to develop works-in-progress through artist-driven workshops. Centering curiosity and experimentation, Groundworks strives to be a safe and inclusive space for creative risk-taking.

Script Submissions

Our Literary Department engages with hundreds of plays each year in consideration for further development or full production. Please read on for information regarding our submission policies.

Additional Support

Additional major support for Artistic Development is provided by The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, Richenthal Foundation, and The Elroy and Terry Krumholz Foundation.